
At Little Poppies, we aim to create a safe and inclusive environment to develop relationships and meaningful connections with every child to help them form friendships, build their confidence, become independent and become ready to move onto their next phase of education.

This is our curriculum for the seven areas of learning (see documents below). Across our academic year, we have short term planning (every half term) to make sure all areas are covered and plan provocations and activities to enhance the children’s learning.

Before a child starts with us, we will have a meeting with the parents whilst the child has a stay and play session. The Keyworker and the parents will sit down and together and fill in our ‘All About Me’ document. This means that Parents get to meet their Child’s Keyworker and they both have an input into the document. This helps the Keyworker track the child and also know their likes/dislikes which will help with the child settling in. This will also be part of the input with the child’s Two Year Progress Check.

At the beginning the child will have a ‘first five’ completed and a meeting will be held with the parents to discuss how the child is settling and if we have any concerns. Every term, a child is a focus child (where all staff have input on a focus sheet to note down teachable moments), they have either a summative or a two year progress check (if required) and the child will be tracked and it will be noted down if the child is not on track in any area. A meeting with the parents will be held to discuss the summative and any next steps/concerns.

If we identify any concerns with children, we will have a meeting with the parents to discuss these concerns and discuss the next steps with them. These could be Speech & Language referrals, SPOA (single point of access) referrals, STePS referrals, speaking to the Health Visitor or G.P., putting the child on Wellcomm or Talkboost programmes or using the ECAM (every child is a mover) monitoring tool and setting up some targets. We have experience in setting up Graduated Response Files, doing EHCP Requests (Educational Health Care Plan) and having children with one-to-one special needs.

The Seven Areas of Learning